
Friday, 25 August 2017

My fabulous Maths slide show ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

WALT:t add and subtracting fractions.

The hard thing was adding the fractions together
the easy thing was when i went to miss and then i finally knew what it meant properly
I learnt how to add and subtract fractions properly

please leave me a positive, helpful, thoughtful comment to help me move on with my learning.

Friday, 11 August 2017

WALT write a poem using rhyming and rhythm.

WALA: writing a rap about something we wont to change in the world .

I learnt how to make a proper rap then rhymes in every paragraph i learnt that you have to have a rhyming  then then a non rhyming thing then a rhyming then then a non rhyming thing.
The easy thing was making my rap after knowing how to make a proper rap .
The hard thing was getting all of my rhyming words and trying to put them were they suit being.