
Friday, 1 September 2017

WALT: structure our writing with an introduction and topic sentences.

I learnt how to use headings properly in my writing .
The hard thing was trying to put my ideas in good writing .
The easy thing was writing the intro.

Sep 1, 2017 12:05:15 PM.jpg

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Friday, 25 August 2017

My fabulous Maths slide show 😉😉

WALT:t add and subtracting fractions.

The hard thing was adding the fractions together
the easy thing was when i went to miss and then i finally knew what it meant properly
I learnt how to add and subtract fractions properly

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Friday, 11 August 2017

WALT write a poem using rhyming and rhythm.

WALA: writing a rap about something we wont to change in the world .

I learnt how to make a proper rap then rhymes in every paragraph i learnt that you have to have a rhyming  then then a non rhyming thing then a rhyming then then a non rhyming thing.
The easy thing was making my rap after knowing how to make a proper rap .
The hard thing was getting all of my rhyming words and trying to put them were they suit being.

Friday, 28 July 2017

My extreme writing😉😍

WALT: Write a letter using a character description.

The hard thing was trying to get heaps of ideas to make my blog sound interesting.The easy thing was putting them into sentences after planing. First I brainstorm all of my ideas and secondly I put all of my ideas into sentences.I learnt how to use lots of verbs.a

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Thursday, 15 June 2017

My learining😝😝
WALT:Write about our Matariki writing.



Matariki is part of maori and matariki is all about the 7 sisters there are are songs for matariki.Matariki is every year. The 7 stars disappear on june and appear.

Kites are used for matariki because so they can let people fly up in the sky to let them see if the invaders are coming over to their land

The 7 sisters have names and there names are Waiti,Waita,Waipunarangi,Tupu a nuku,Tupu a rangi,Ururangi,Matariki.The story of matariki is that there was a taniwha and the taniwha   eats people the go near the river and one day a boy was hungry he went to go fishing in the river and the wind was blowing then the wind went a he stopped in the middle of the river so he had a sleep and he woke up at a the far side of the land and he saw some pebbles and he went back on his boat an started to throw them in the sky and he went home he threw them up there so there can be some light in the sky.

The easy thing was planing in my book by watching the matariki story the hard thing was tying to make my writing sound interesting.

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Monday, 8 May 2017

IALT find fractions using multiplication

WALT: Find fractions using multiplication and sharing.  First room 11 did it with our teacher secondly we videoed it.

I learnt that using the boxes makes it easier and makes me understand it better.The hard thing was making the video the easy thing was writing the question and answer.

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Friday, 5 May 2017

I am learning about the water cycle 💦


WALT: Make a informative diagram. first planed secondly i drew a diagram thirdly I wrote about.

the easy thing was writing my plan the hard thing was writing my diagram and making it be interesting with a lot of details.

Thanks for looking at my water cycle diagram and please leave me a positive comment for me to move on.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Why we should keep trees

WALT: write a agreement 

First we read the book then we planed about what were writing and we wrote about what we are doing.

I learnt that why cutting trees is a bad idea. The easy thing was planning my writing.the hard thing was trying to make my writing interesting. 

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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

What I learńt !!!

WALT: We were learning about ask question properly.
We were writing some question in our book to understand.

Sally Avern demonstrated about our learning.
I learned that asking questions is good. It was really hard because there are many questions I could read and answer. It was wrong because we never answered them properly.It was easier when miss did a demonstration and I understood it.

It was really hard because there were so many questions to answer.
It was really easy doing the answer I already knew.

Now when I have to do questions I can answer them properly.

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Tuesday, 21 March 2017

The force is with you


WALT:We are learning about forces. We watch video's and we made paper airplanes and then we wrote about it,we also talked.

I learnt more about friction, and I learnt that you need to do your introduction last so you know more about what you're learning about.The easy thing was making the paper planes.The hard thing was trying to make the forces work to put it in my writing.the thing we did first was demostration then we talked about it and then we brainstormed it.
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Wednesday, 8 March 2017

smooth creamy butter

smooth creamy butter

 Room 10 from park estate school  made butter on Tuesday 14th November 2016 room 10 made butter and it was delicious. 


How to make butter:

1) You need a bottle of cream and the poor it in to a bowl

2) Then you mix it with a mixer but put it on medium then it will      start to go fluffy 

3) Then you boil  the water in a cup half way fool and then wash it out once you can see threw it and separate the water and butter and put it in and  little small  bowl

4)  start to kneed it and keep repeating the process 

And now you have you smooth creamy butter to eat.  

kariotahi beach

Room 11 and room 10 went to the beach called Karioitahi. We all talked about why the beach is dangerous.Then we went in the water and in the water was my favourite part of the day.We were running into the waves and it was amusing.